What it Is

Welcome to the online development log for the The Puppeteers, an original comedy by the contemporary commedia dell'arte troupe Zuppa del Giorno. Here you will find lots of research, disjointed rambling and spit-balling, all of which has led to the creation of a show.
Want to book it?
The Puppeteers are available for mid-size venues, with sufficient time to remount! It's a show that can be customized to any area, any audience. Simply contact director Jeff Wills on email!

January 27, 2011

Marybeth's Show Report: 1/26

Our esteemed stage manager emailed me the show report after last night's performance, and I thought her color commentary too endearing not to include on the 'blog.  And so, for your edification, ladies and gentlemen, Marybeth Langdon's show notes:

Show Notes 1/26/11 

Time:     (6-9)  6-set up/warmup Showtime: 7:11pm

Act I – 59 Minutes; intermission – 13 Minutes;  Act II-  39 Minutes Minutes

                The audience is eating the show like CANDY!  There were a bunch of college students and a few kids.  Oh my gosh and they CLAPPED when Bob found his voice!  One of the best audiences ever!  And now a little child has one of her puppets on a string of garland… and Bob used it to threaten Leonoria… This is insanity!!!!  I LOVE IT!  Best responses to kisses and roaring!  So… the veedoot basket got caught on the clock sign????  Luckily it went along with the sound[; by] Jimminy Crickets these veedots know how to cause problems.  So I had to throw two airplanes because the first got caught on the lights and took a nose dive.  Le sigh. VERY interactive second act.  Lots of energy!!!

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