What it Is

Welcome to the online development log for the The Puppeteers, an original comedy by the contemporary commedia dell'arte troupe Zuppa del Giorno. Here you will find lots of research, disjointed rambling and spit-balling, all of which has led to the creation of a show.
Want to book it?
The Puppeteers are available for mid-size venues, with sufficient time to remount! It's a show that can be customized to any area, any audience. Simply contact director Jeff Wills on email!

December 3, 2010

4 puppet things from Heather

· Some use for puppets have been discovered in almost every civilization. Small white figurines were found in tombs of ancient Egyptian children.
· Commedia dell’arte troupes incorporated some hand puppets into some of their scenarios. The puppets were able to say even ruder things than the actors.
· The oldest puppet known was found in a cave in Mexico. It was made of whale bone.
· A Chinese playwright created elaborate wooden puppets, known as Bunkaru puppets and wanted to replace actors with them.
· A mummer is an olde English term for “mime artist”. It also refers to a parade in Philadelphia where old white men dress as women on New Year’s day and parade down Broad Street.


  1. FIVE? What are you, trying to steepen the odds? There are no prizes here, Stuart!

    But I'm going to guess that whale-bone Mexican puppet is fake. Somethin' about that one...I don't know...

  2. I second the whale bone.
    PS I think it's funny that the puppets can say ruder things because it's the same today for cartoons.

  3. I'm on board with the whale bone. Definitely the whale bone.
