What it Is

Welcome to the online development log for the The Puppeteers, an original comedy by the contemporary commedia dell'arte troupe Zuppa del Giorno. Here you will find lots of research, disjointed rambling and spit-balling, all of which has led to the creation of a show.
Want to book it?
The Puppeteers are available for mid-size venues, with sufficient time to remount! It's a show that can be customized to any area, any audience. Simply contact director Jeff Wills on email!

December 20, 2010

Kim W. on Puppet Current Events 2

I'm finding that puppets are turning up in some arguably unusual places lately.  Cookie Monster showing up suddenly on SNL last weekend was just one example.  But I've found some others:
  • Triumph the Insult Comic Dog is old hat by now, but probably raised a couple eyebrows when he first debuted in 1997.  He's arguably enough of a hit that NBC made sure he was one of the "intellectual property" items that Conan O'Brien couldn't take with him when he left the TONIGHT show.
  • The Sci-Fi show "Farscape" was an Australian/American show that ran in the early 2000's.  The Henson company was associated with some of the special effects -- and two of the regular characters, "Rygel" and "Pilot," were Henson-company designed puppets.
  • Craig Ferguson's LATE SHOW has been traditionally doing very, very silly things with the show's opening; before they run the opening credits, they usually have a musical production number, featuring Craig Ferguson and his cast either singing or lip-syncing and dancing to a particular song.  Sometimes the song has something to do with the show (they wrote lyrics for the DOCTOR WHO theme song when the show's star, Matt Smith, was on recently), and sometimes, it...doesn't.  And just to cap off the silliness, these segments are often introduced by a bunny puppet, named "Sid", and sometimes they feature shark or camel puppets to join in the action.
My own favorite clips are below: Craig and his cast -- including three puppets wearing fezes -- lip-synching to They Might Be Giants' cover of "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)"...

...and Sid the Bunny introducing Adam Savage and Jaime Hyneman when they joined in on a rendition of Modern English's song "Melt With You".


    Mr. Ferguson, I bow to you.

  2. He is pretty great, idn't he?

  3. Okay, I admit that part of my posting this was just to have an excuse to post that Istanbul clip. Because -- seriously.
