What it Is

Welcome to the online development log for the The Puppeteers, an original comedy by the contemporary commedia dell'arte troupe Zuppa del Giorno. Here you will find lots of research, disjointed rambling and spit-balling, all of which has led to the creation of a show.
Want to book it?
The Puppeteers are available for mid-size venues, with sufficient time to remount! It's a show that can be customized to any area, any audience. Simply contact director Jeff Wills on email!

December 7, 2010


Mr. Melvin, I want to know where you hid my wool socks. You’re always taking things and I do not think that is very polite. No, not polite at all. What? No, it had to be him. LOOK at this place!

Miss Elizabeth: Can you teach me how to be connected? You seem to know so much that light just shoots out your fingertips. I want to be like you.


  1. The thought of socks being stolen at first struck me as random. Then I wondered what a puppeteer needs socks for. There's definitely a bit there.

    It might be interesting if there's a tutoring triangle between you all. You want to learn from E, E wants to learn from C, C wants to learn from you?

  2. Yes, that could be fun. I don't want to get to teachy, but that triangle seems full of bit possibilities.
